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Linux Key Codes

Using the xev command on Ubuntu (part of the x11-utils package), you can easily monitor and observe what the codes are for each key as you press it.  The codes seem straight forward : including Return, Tab, F1, F2, F3..., Shift_L, Shift_R, Delete, Backspace, Up, Down, Left, Right, etc.



Up Deck uses xdotool to send the keystrokes on Linux - combination keystrokes are separated by + (plus sign).



To send a 5 keystroke, the key data would be 5


To send a % keystroke, the key data would be %


To send an F2 keystroke, the key data would be F2


To send an shift + Q keystroke, the key data would be Shift_L+Q   (Left shift key)



Example - I set the Control + k hotkey in OBS to unmute a source


Send keypress to OBS





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